Not All Lasers Are Created Equal!

May 28, 2015

By Matthew Pruitt

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) or Laser, both contribute to helping us remove some of that unwanted hair. But how do you know which types right for you? Have you got fair skin, dark skin, somewhere in between skin? Read on to find out more about each of the hair removal options, and safety tips to be aware of before, during and post treatment.


First Lets Take A Look At Skin Types

Understanding your skin type will help determine which IPL/Laser is right for you. The Fitzpatrick Scale is widely used as a way to classify the typical response of different types of skin to UV light. Your skin type can range on the scale from one to six. Type one being pale skin that burns very easily through to six being dark brown or black skin that never burns and tans very easily.

Don’t know which type you are? Don’t worry – our Estheticians are fully trained and will determine which type you are before conducting any Laser Hair Removal treatments.


Lets Talk About Lasers!

Intense Pulse Light (or IPL): a mini description

  • IPL is not a laser but a light based device
  • It produces a broad spectrum of wavelengths, pulsing light on the surface of the skin to target melanin
  • It can be used not only for hair removal, but for photo rejuvenation and dermatological diseases
  • Safe on skin types one to four (a light four)
  • Not suitable for darker skin types
  • Results are not as predictable as treatments with laser


Yag: a mini description

  • A Yag is an laser based device, known for versatility
  • It utilizes an infrared beam with a single wavelength of 1064 nm (more powerful than IPL) to target melanin
  • Safe on all skin types one through to six
  • Recommended for darker skin types
  • It is less effective on fine or light hair
  • Can have a bit higher ouch factor than other lasers

Alexandrite (or Alex): a mini description

  • An Alex is another laser based device
  • It utilizes a near infrared beam with a single wavelength of 755 nm
  • Safe on skin types one to four (a light four)
  • It is effective for finer or lighter hair
  • Not suitable for darker skin types


What Is The Main Difference Between Them?

The main difference is that IPL is not a laser! It is light based whereas Yag and Alex are actual lasers! Alex is best for light skin types or lighter/thinner hair, whereas Yag is safe for any skin type but is most effective on dark skin!


How Do I Know These Treatments Are Right For Me?

After reviewing your skin type and desired body part for hair removal, your Esthetician will decide which hair removal process will be the most safe and effective.


Is There Any Discomfort When I Have LHR?

The treatment itself can be a little uncomfortable. Some areas are more sensitive than others. Clients feel a combination of a quick rubber band snap and heat. Today€™s more advanced lasers use cold air chillers to make laser treatments more comfy and more effective.


Dos And Dont’s Of LHR!

Two Weeks Before:

Discontinue the use of self-tanners, antibiotics, and retinol. Limit sun exposure as much as possible and be sure to protect with sun block when sun exposure cannot be avoided.

One Week Before:

Do not use benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, Vitamin C, and all products that contain AHA or BHA or any type of cosmetic acids one week before your treatment. These products make your skin so sensitive that it can burn if it comes in contact with the laser.

After/In Between:

Due to the sensitivity of your skin after your treatment, you absolutely MUST be protecting it with sun block. We repeat: SUN BLOCK IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY! Your skin will be susceptible to skin discoloration from UV rays, which is why we recommend Alta 46 sun block. Free of parabens, chemicals and fragrances, it is the best way to ensure that your skin will be protected and will not become irritated or clogged! We also recommend the use of an Epidermal Repair product to soothe and moisturize your skin. Do not pluck or wax in between treatments!

Remember These Five Simple Safety Tips When Getting LHR!

#1: Be confident in who is treating you!

Be sure that an experienced and reputable licensed professional is treating you in a clean environment with a plan that is customized specifically for your skin.

#2: Know your laser!

Not all lasers are created equal! Be sure that you are being treated on a Yag if you have darker skin or an Alex if you have lighter skin. If another type is being used – go somewhere else! If you are sensitive to pain, be sure the laser has a cooling agent to ease the “ouch†factor!

#3: Discontinue use of products!

Self-tanners, antibiotics, and retinol must be discontinued at least two weeks before treatment! Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, Vitamin C, products containing AHA/BHA and cosmetic acids will result in the laser burning your skin if you do not stop using them at least one week prior to treatment!

#4: Keep the area out of the sun!

The darker your skin is, the lower the setting of the laser needs to be to treat you safely so that you will not burn. This affects results! Keep the area out of the sun before and in between treatments and if it is unavoidable, be sure to use sun block!

#5: Protect your skin after treatment!

Your skin will be very sensitive after being treated which is why you MUST protect it with SUN BLOCK so that the sun will not damage it!

Bare it all with confidence in your laser!


Matthew Pruitt

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