Preparation for laser hair removal isn’t complicated but if you’re new to laser, it may not be intuitive.
February 11, 2017
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February 11, 2017
Preparation for laser hair removal isn’t complicated but if you’re new to laser, it may not be intuitive.
January 26, 2017
Laser hair removal clients in New York City consider many questions before they ever step into my spa. But one I never hear is “What area should I do first?” Well, that answer depends on the weather. It’s winter in New York City and the busiest season for laser hair removal. Why? Let me explain.
January 10, 2017
Through the year our skin goes through different phases as the seasons change. During the summer, many people feel oily and greasy and our pores enlarge from the humid weather. During the winter our skin can feel tight, dry and even chapped. It is so important to change up our skin care regimen as the
January 9, 2017
At Skin Bar NYC, we have been using Isolaz Laser Therapy to treat acne for years with extraordinary results. Many of our acne clients have suffered from breakouts of varying degrees for years. Most have tried every type of treatment available over the counter plus remedies suggested by their doctors. Unfortunately, results vary from “sort
December 29, 2016
The most common answers to my pre-treatment question “How are your results?” are… “I’m seeing a difference but I still get ingrown hairs (not as bad).” and “I don’t think my hair shed.” or “It took a long time for my hair to shed and I had black dots on the area.” Not to worry
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