These Benefits of Laser Hair Removal Will Amaze You

December 10, 2015

By Matthew Pruitt

Everyone knows that laser hair removal does, well, laser hair removal. That’s pretty self-explanatory. But did you know that, in addition to ridding yourself of unwanted hair, the laser energy that vanquishes hair follicles also improves the texture and appearance of your skin? It’s true, laser hair removal is like 3 skin services all wrapped up into one.

This is true when laser is performed with one of the gold standard wavelengths of either YAG or Alex. And the benefits aren’t only skin deep. The laser works on the surface of the skin to remove old damage from the sun, like freckles and discoloration. It also shrinks pore size and evens skin tone. And that’s just what you see on the surface. Deep down in the dermis, as the laser penetrates into the skin, it heats up the lower layers of tissue. This stimulates production of new collagen. A very important factor that keeps the skin tight and plump. Laser hair removal improves the quality of your skin at every layer. Here’s how:


Laser corrects discoloration.Skin Rejuvenation.

Skin rejuvenation is the process of removing damage from the skin’s surface. This layer of skin is known as the epidermis. Surface damage accumulates over time. Pollution, accumulated skin cells, and the natural aging process all contribute to dull aged skin. But the biggest contributor to surface damage is exposure to sun. Years of wearing a bikini and laying out in the sun leads to discoloration, sun spots and freckles. Yuck! Laser hair removal improves the texture of the skin by lasering away sun spots and evening skin tone. After 6 treatments you will see a noticeable improvement. Your skin will not only be smooth and hair free, but also smooth in texture and tone.


Laser hair removal treatment.Laser hair removal.

Hair follicles live in the dermis layer of the skin. Also known as the middle layer. Laser energy reaches into this layer searching for dark colored hair follicles. As the energy is absorbed by the shaft of the hair it pulses into the follicle rendering it dormant. The middle layer is also where collagen is found. Collagen is what gives our skin support and elasticity. When collagen breaks down as we age and our body naturally produces less of it, wrinkles appear.


Get laser for firmer legs.Skin Tightening.

If all the benefits above aren’t enough to get excited about laser hair removal, consider this. Laser, especially YAG, penetrates into the layers of the skin to improve the appearance of wrinkles and prevent them from ever appearing to begin with. After the age of 25 our bodies produce less collagen and the collagen we have begins its long process of breaking down. The heat produced at safe levels with laser hair removal stimulates your body’s production of collagen. The result is tighter, supple and younger looking skin. And the benefits of collagen stimulation last for many months. Our clients at Skin Bar NYC continue to see improvement up to 6 months after their last treatments.

Laser hair removal is a great way to improve the health of skin. If you have been considering laser hair removal there is no better time to start than now. Laser hair removal requires a minimum of 6 treatments to achieve 70%-90% of permanent hair reduction. Treatments are usually scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. So, if you start now you will be hair free in time to don your sexiest swim suit. And guys, you’ll be ready to bear your chest and chiseled abs.

Skin Bar NYC owns the lasers that improve the quality of skin and are proven to be the most effective for hair removal. Our experts have over 20 years of combined experience in laser hair removal and are among the most sought after specialists in New York City. If you would like to learn more about how laser hair removal treatments can improve your skin and rid you of unwanted hair, call us today for a complimentary evaluation and customized treatment plan.

Matthew Pruitt

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